Puzzles for the mind
How many can you solve correctly?
Write the following
numbers. . .
Nine thousand nine hundred and nine. . .
Tweleve thousand twelve hundred and twelve.
Basic Algebra
A zebra clocked at 40 miles per hour took 80 minutes to run through
the jungle from east to west. But when he ran the same level path
through the jungle from east to west at the same speed, it took
him an hour and 20 minutes. How could this be?
Who loses?
A town on the US-Mexico border where a US dollar is worth 90 cents
in Mexican currency. In the town just north of the border a Mexican
dollar is worth 90 cents in US currency. A cowboy went into the
Mexican town and bought a 10 cent soda. He paid for it with a Mexician
dollar, and he was given a US dollar in change since the American
dollar is worth only 90 cents there. Crossing the border into the
US, he bought a 10 cent soda in the American town, paid for it with
the US dollar he just got in Mexico, and recieved a Mexican dollar
in change since the Mexican dollar is worth only 90 cents north
of the border.He goes back to Mexico and buys another soda, then
back to the US and buys another, and he does this day and night,
always ending up with a dollar, just as he started. Who loses?
Three guests checking into the hotel were told that rooms were $15
apiece. They each gave the bellhop $15, a total of $45. When the
desk clerk heard this he reminded the bellhop that the rooms were
only $10 apiece. He kept the $30 for the room and told the bellhop
to return the balance. On the way up the stairs the bellhop reasoned
that since the guests didn't know exactly how much the rooms cost,
they would be happy with any rebate. The bellhop gave each of the
three guests $3, a total of $9, keeping $6 for himself. Here is
where the problem arises. Each guest paid $12 for his room, a total
of $36. The bellhop kept $6. This is a total of $42. What happened
to the other $3?
What's Next?
What is each series and what are the next few letters each series
of letters.....
Set 1 - O, T, T, F, F,
S, S,.....
Set 2 - T, D, D, H, H,
Set 3 - T,
H, T, T, T, H, T,.....
Replace each
X below with a number from 0 to 9. Arrange the digits such that
the digits in the first box is the same as the number of 0's in
the number, the digit in the second box is the same as the number
of 1's in the entire number, the third box is the number of 2's,
and so on.